Personal information
Selected Assets er som dataansvarlig forpligtet til at beskytte dine personoplysninger, og vi tilstræber, at du føler dig tryg ved vores behandling af disse oplysninger. Vi behandler personoplysninger om dig i henhold til denne persondatapolitik og gældende lovgivning.
Personal information and the use thereof
Selected Assets kan indsamle følgende oplysninger om dig:
- Navn, telefonnummer og email
We only gather such information as are strictly necessary to deliver buy and sell recommendations to you, and provide you with relevant market information.
Additionally there may be information gathered via cookies and IP address. This information serves to enhance our understanding of you and other users of our services. This includes, but is not limited to, statistical analyses for the purpose of improving our services and technology.
In our cookie policy, found below, you can read more about the use of cookies on our website, which cookies are set, and for what purpose.
Ved tilmelding til Selected Assets accepterer brugeren, at Selected Assets fremsender informationer om købs- og salgssignaler, løbende porteføljeoversigt, markedsopdateringer og eventuel information om kunde-arrangementer. Selected Assets deler ikke data med hverken kommercielle som ikke-kommercielle partnere. Informationer fremsendes direkte til brugerens email og/eller mobilnummer.
Passing of information
under certain conditions we may pass on information that we possess about you, if this is required and requested according to a court ruling or current law.
Protection of personal information
We take security measures to protect your information against manipulation, loss, destruction, and to prevent any unwarranted access. It is not presently possible to establish a 100 percent secure situation, and thus we cannot completely guarantee that the information is safe from parties who may succeed in circumventing security precautions and gain access to the information. As such, your information is given at your own discretion.
Updates, deletion and modification of your information
Hvis du ønsker adgang til de oplysninger, som vi behandler om dig hos Selected Assets, kan du rette henvendelse til os på
By law you are entitled to be told which information we have on you. If this information is found to be incorrect or misleading you have the right to request that we correct, block or delete this information. Additionally, you are free to object to your information being subject to further processing by us.
How long is your information kept?
Dine data slettes en måned efter, at du har opsagt aftaleforholdet med Selected Assets.
Det vil være nødvendigt løbende at opdatere og ændre denne politik. Selected Assets forbeholder sig ret til at foretage sådanne påkrævede ændringer. I tilfælde af væsentlige ændringer giver vi dig besked via denne hjemmeside eller via email. Den til enhver tid gældende version af denne politik kan findes som en del af vores betingelser, som er tilgængelige på Datoen nedenfor viser hvornår betingelserne senest er revideret.
Revideret den 1. juli 2019